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Health Technologies Showcase 2024

The Health Technologies Showcase highlighted the University of Edinburgh’s world-class expertise.

Keynote speakers presented the latest research at the Health Technologies Showcase 2024. Researchers from across the Schools of Engineering, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics, Informatics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, the Business School, the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, Usher Institute, and the Institute for Regeneration and Repair discussed new science and engineering-based approaches to detection, diagnosis, and treatment that are being developed at University of Edinburgh. This year’s showcase highlights how engineering and science enable new approaches to everything from fundamental understanding of disease to detection and diagnosis, and intervention.

Here are the highlights of the day!

AI and data driven integrated sensing platforms for care and assisted living
Professor Tughrul Arslan, Chair of Integrated Electronic Systems in the School of Engineering.

Engineered genetic control systems for advanced therapeutics
Professor Susan Rosser, Chair of Synthetic Biology in the School of Biological Sciences and School of Engineering.

Biomedical AI at the University of Edinburgh
Professor Ian Simpson, Personal Chair of Biomedical Informatics in the School of Informatics.

Panel: Transformative health technologies – How will today’s breakthrough technologies transform health?
New technologies have a long path to implementation in a health context but promise profound impact on our whole approach to health. With above speakers Professor Ian Simpson, Professor Susan Rosser, Professor Tughrul Arslan, and Professor Kevin Dhaliwal, Personal Chair of Molecular Imaging and Healthcare in the Institute for Regeneration and Repair. Moderator: Dr Lysimachos Zografos

Casual AI in healthcare
Professor Sotos A. Tsaftaris, Personal Chair of Machine Learning and Computer Vision in the School of Engineering..

Redefining hemodialysis with data-driven materials innovation
Professor Maria Grazia De Angelis, Personal Chair of Thermodynamics of Materials and Processes in the School of Engineering.

Translation at the IRR chemistry hub
Professor Colin Campbell, Professor of Medical and Biological Spectroscopy in the School of Chemistry.

Optimizing the flow behaviour of ophthalmic viscosurgical devices
Dr Andreia Fonseca Da Silva, Royal Society Industry Fellow in the School of Physics and Astronomy.

Panel:Data Driven Health – How can we leverage data for the benefit of health while protecting data privacy and empowering patients and the public?
Large data sets and pervasive data offers vast opportunities to support better health outcomes. Experts from University of Edinburgh and the Data Driven Innovation initiative, with the goal of making Edinburgh the Data Capital of Europe, are spearheading data driven innovation for the benefit of health while navigating the need for privacy and data protection. With Dr Atul Anand, Senior Lecturer in Health Data Research in the Centre for Cardiovascular Science; Professor Sir Aziz Sheikh, Chair of Primary Care Research and Development at Usher Institute; Dr Sara Wade, Reader in Statistics and Data Science in the School of Mathematics. Moderator: Dr Serena Tricarico, Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) Scotland