Staff Services Student Enterprise

Business continuity

The University of Edinburgh has an international reputation for producing theory-led, practically relevant research that addresses contemporary organisational and management challenges faced by businesses, public organisations, regulatory bodies, and policy-makers.

This research is led by the University’s Business School where there are over 100 academics engaged in world-leading research which can help organisations address today's big challenges.

The University’s academics have a track record of research in business and management, covering a variety of themes such as:

  • Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Corporate Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Interdisciplinary Accounting
  • Leadership, Organisations, and Society
  • Management Science

Key areas of expertise

Business, Climate Change, and Sustainability

The Centre for Business, Climate Change, and Sustainability faculty are thought leaders on issues related to climate change and sustainability. The Centre has provided research, consultancy, bespoke executive education for a range of clients including the financial sector, policy-makers, and non-governmental organisations.

Public Sector Accounting Research

The Institute for Public Sector Accounting Research (IPSAR) aims to identify, develop, and promulgate principles and practices for best accounting in the public sector. These include entrepreneurship and interdisciplinary accounting.

Hybrid Working

University faculty experts have a deep understanding of the latest shifts in workplace practices. Academics researching hybrid working includes faculty from the Business School, Law and Psychology. Our experts have been actively advising businesses and policy-makers on the return to office working.

Culture, Accounting and Society Research

The Accounting and Finance group has a long and established research tradition in the area of interdisciplinary studies of accounting. Drawing upon this tradition, and on strong relationships with professional and accounting bodies, the Culture, Accounting and Society Research Network aims to become a world-leading centre of excellence in researching the organisational, social, historical, cultural, and technical aspects of accounting.

Strategic Leadership

The Centre for Strategic Leadership (CSL) is a world-class research centre providing insights into the nature of the challenges involved in dealing with intractable problems, and the ways in which they can be effectively addressed. The Centre fosters an interdisciplinary understanding of strategic leadership by examining complex organisational factors, exploring the ways in which organisations and their key constituents operate.

Service Excellence

The Centre for Service Excellence is committed to co-produce and co-create innovative knowledge that will profoundly change how we understand and practice service management. The Centre focuses on elderly care, the importance of a public service ecosystem perspective for public service management and sustainable community ecosystems.

Scaling Business in Africa

Scaling Business in Africa is an interdisciplinary impact consortium made up of researchers and industry practitioners working to inform the scaling of Africa's private sector for progressive and sustainable development through high-quality research, teaching, and engagement. It particularly aims to advance current understanding of the business-society interface in Africa, and equip business leaders and entrepreneurs with the requisite skills to contribute to positive social change.

Find out more

Monica Dearden

Consultancy Manager and Interim Lead for Business Development for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.